Wednesday, February 24, 2016

'El Chapo' should face American justice for his cartel crimes

The Dallas Morning News, Published an editorial 'El Chapo' should face American justice for his cartel crimes. This article questions, If Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman be transmitted to the United States for his Indictments which he faces eight in seven states. Texas is one of the states included. When El Chapo" escaped for the second time, left authorities embarrassed for his spectacular prison break. Which I think it was funny. He had them all fooled. Sean Penn has been questioned about the interview "El Chapo" gave him. Guzman gave Penn a coveted interview a month before his third captured. Now what they are arguing and questioning, What is next for "El Chapo", are they going to bring him to the United States? The U.S. isn't perfect at drug interdiction, but it has lost fewer cartel kingpins to escape.

The writer seems not mention the fact of the many goods that "El Chapo" has done for his people. Everyone is like yeah bring him to the U.S. we will take care of him. But the fact that "El Chapo" has done more then the government itself. Yes, he might have done a'lot of wrong but, he did not put a gun to the heads of the addicts, business is business and we have to do everything to survive. Putting him behind bars does not change the fact that this business is still going to be running. The Extradition could take months even years, depending on the skilsl and reach of his lawyers.

Regardless of all the indictments  "El Chapo" is facing, he will always be "El Jefe de la Sierra" the most feared Drug Lord in the world. He has the most "Corridos" made of him than anyone else. Corridos are stories of the people or situations but made into songs. I think they are great.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Detained Migrants Held in Border "Iceboxes"

This story might be a little old but, I got this article from the Texas Observer and taught this article was very interesting. Detained Migrants are held in these Overcrowded freezing rooms without beds and for a few days at a time. These are men,women and even children that are going through this horrific experience. This is happening by the Texas Mexico Border in the Rio Grande Valley. This report is based on never-before released data and records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act from the federal U.S Customs and Border Protection agency, known for secrecy and pervasive corruption. Last year, CBP (Custom and Border Protection) changed it's definition of short-term detention, determining that migrants should be held for more than 72 hours, rather than 12 hours. It "institutionalizes a problem."